Concrete facades
The façade of any building plays a huge role in defining how that building sits within its environment aesthetically. Whether the façade is made from high performance concrete, glass, metal, brick, stone or timber, it is the façade that makes the important initial impression, it defines the style of the building and gives it its unique character. But it’s not only about the looks – the façade must also be practical and functional, it must withstand the wind and the rain, it must be durable and reliable, it must be easy to maintain and still look great as the building matures over the decades to come.

At Concrete Valley, we have perfected the art of creating facades that perform to the highest standards and define the character of the building. We have unrivalled expertise in designing and manufacturing architectural concrete facades that are shaped and curved to stunning effect. We can create High Performance Concrete facades that mimic the appearance of natural stone or brick, concrete cladding that is smooth or textured, HPC facades with 3D designs and geometric shapes, GRC rainscreen, sustainable rainscreen, coloured concrete… the list goes on..

How can we help?
Whether you’re an architect, contractor, developer, consultant, engineer or client, if you think we might be able to help with your next project, we’d be really pleased to hear from you. The earlier we are involved in a project, the better it is for everyone.